Monday, June 4, 2012


I am really the kind of person that leaves a mark everywhere I go, no matter how short I was in the place for I stay unforgotten.  The spotlight really does find me, quite along with trouble.   I always leave a long lasting impression that lingers on the mind of everyone;  I stand out from the crowd distinctively.  Had this conversation with my mom and my sister a couple of days ago and in my solitary moments it got me thinking.  Is it my height, my smile, my physical appearance, my morals or my way with words?

And later on my mum said to me you are naturally blessed with leaving impressions on the minds of people but the only way you can leave your footprint on the sands of times is to touch the lives of others.  Those words really struck me and I have really been thinking of how I can leave footprints that would outlive me.  One thing I am certain of is that in the future I am going to establish a Nongovernmental organization that would rehabilitate victims of rape and sexual abuse.  But it would take between six to seven years before this can become realistic and there is still so much I can change and do before then.  I really did not know what that calling was and I decided to take some days off everything and search soul deep and now I have decided to volunteer along with my boss to read and facilitate motivational speeches in a middle school a few blocks from my school.  I am really excited and thrilled about this opportunity because I get to meet young people and influence their career decisions and life choices and even serve as a role model and mentor to them. My goal is to change the lives of others, even if it is one at a time.  A french adage I love so much says “Petit a petit, l'oiseau fait son nid”,

Bottom line is Be the change you want to see in the world. No matter how little, your input in changing the world matters. Be the reason someone would stop committing a crime, quit an addiction or stop committing sin. 

Stay Blessed.

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